Behind the Booth: Introduction to Production

This one is for any DJs becoming interested in the world of production, so that they can better understand their future paths towards making their own music to DJ with.

Behind the Booth: What’s In Your Gig Bag?

One thing that it’s important to remember as a beginner DJ is that different venues will have different setups, and you can’t be complacent. Various iterations of DJing gear have

Behind the Booth – DJing 101

In this article, we’ll be looking into the technology used by DJs, and the role fulfilled by them. The passion starts differently for each person. You might be at your

Behind the Booth: Initial Investments

If you’ve read the previous posts in this series, you may have established a pretty good understanding of what a DJ does, and with what equipment. As with many hobbies,

Behind the Booth: Perfect Mixing

Here we'll be looking into a variety of different styles of transition that a DJ may choose to use, as well as understanding which aspects of a track they may need to be more mindful of as they are playing.

Behind the Booth: How to Create a Memorable Performance

We look into the different techniques and philosophies which a DJ may want to utilize to ensure their performance leaves a lasting impression.

Behind the Booth – Doing it the Digital Way

Let’s start things off at your favourite club just as the biggest of basslines drops. Everyone around you goes nuts, and you look up to see what genius has orchestrated
